Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM)
2009: Het Forum: de ITG cafetaria met achteraan de uitgang van de vroegere kerk
The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium is one of the world’s leading institutes for training, research and service delivery in the field of tropical diseases and global healthcare, with special attention to low and middle-income countries. It is strongly committed to academic excellence and genuine partnership to ensure optimal health for all. ITM collaborates with a network of 18 institutional partners in LMICs, including CERRHUD in Benin. ITM has a strong participation in EU funded projects, in H2020 and in preceding FP7 programs. ITM has strong links with universities in Belgium and in other European countries, among which is Karolinska Institutet. The Department of Public Health of ITM has a long-standing experience in research on health systems and health policy in LMICs. The Department has a strong history in research on sexual, reproductive, and maternal health, including highly-respected work on measurement of unmet obstetric need, evaluating fee exemptions in maternal health care (FEMhealth), quality of care, maternal death surveillance and reviews, social accountability, and e-health platforms. The Department of Public Health runs a highly regarded MSc program in Public Health. The majority of MPH students are mid-career professionals, a mix of implementers, policy makers, programme managers and researchers mostly from LMICs. The department also offers postgraduate courses, for instance on tropical medicine and international health. ITM increasingly promotes exchange and learning between students from Belgium and other European countries and those from LMIC.
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