Capacity building and education research

List of Master Students and their research topics
ALERT master student | Degree institution (Country) | (Working) Title / Topic |
Cathy Axelsson | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | Data Collectors’ experiences and perceptions when co-design is used to develop perinatal health interventions: a qualitative study in Benin, Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda |
Kathrine Thorgaard-Rasmussen | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | Maternity care providers’ and women’s perceptions of pain management during in-hospital labour in southern Tanzania |
Estrid Kjellman | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | “Telling them how things are” – a qualitative study about the processes of interaction during childbirth from the perspective of maternity care providers in Malawi |
Greta Handing | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | Risk Factors for Neonatal Morbidity: Variation of new-born asphyxia by parity and referral status in hospital births in sub-Saharan Africa |
Alice Stockart | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | Partographs in southern Tanzania: Midwives perception and clinical practice use (Ongoing) |
Nicole Sofia Rodriguez Neufeld | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | Perceptions of the Individuality of the Patient in Benin Maternity Units (Ongoing) |
Kelma Jean | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | The role of companionship during childbirth in southern Tanzania: perceptions of healthcare providers, companions and women giving birth |
List of PhD Students and their research topics
ALERT PhD student | Degree institution (Country) | (Working) Title / Topic |
Regine Unkels (parts on ALERT) | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | Evaluating digital health data innovations in Tanzania: A mixed-methods study on feasibility, user, administrative and political support to implementation |
Ann-Beth Moller (parts on ALERT) | School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Institute of Medicine, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) | Maternal and neonatal mortality – How competent are “skilled health personnel” providing childbirth care and how can we measure coverage of birth attended by skilled health personnel? |
Manuela Straneo (parts on ALERT) | Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (Netherlands) | Where do women give birth? Inequalities in use of hospitals for childbirth in rural Africa, with a focus on Tanzania |
Phillip Wanduru (parts on ALERT) | Karolinska Institutet (Swede) / Makerere University (Uganda) | Determining short and medium-term sequelae, their predicting factors, and experiences of caring for newborns with intrapartum hypoxic-ischemic insults: a cohort study in rural Uganda |
Soha El Halabi (ALERT and QUALI-DEC) | Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) | Companions during childbirth: A non-clinical intervention to reduce women’s mistreatment during childbirth |
Christelle Boyi (parts on ALERT) | Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (Netherlands) | Advancing the Implementation of Quality Improvement Strategies to reduce maternal mortality using realist evaluation: the case of Maternal Death Reviews in Benin (AIQuIS-MDRs) |
Bianca Kandeya (100% ALERT) | Karolinska Insitutet (Sweden) | Responsiveness and professionalism in intrapartum care in Malawi |
Maria del Rosario Alsina (100% ALERT) | Karolinska Insitutet (Sweden) | CONSOLE: reCOmmendatioNS fOr stiLlbirth aftercare – Burden and needs in Sub-Saharan |
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Webmaster 2023-02-24