Rian Snijders, MSc

Rian Snijders (female) is a research fellow at the Infectious Diseases Unit, Department of Public Health, of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp. She has a master’s in Applied Economics and an advanced master’s in International Relations and Diplomacy from the University of Antwerp. She works for 6 years at ITM focussing on project management, costing studies and cost effectiveness analysis of NTD control programs. Currently she is also working on a PhD titled ‘An economic evaluation of strategies for sleeping sickness elimination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’ with Swiss TPH. Before she worked for 3 years as an international expert for the Belgian Development Agency and Doctors without Borders in Senegal and Pakistan.
Contact: rsnijders@itg.be
Selected Publications:
Snijders R, Fukinsia A, Claeys Y, Mpanya A, Hasker E, Meheus F, et al. Cost of a new method of active screening for human African trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. medRxiv. 2020:2020.06.25
Links: https://pure.itg.be/en/persons/rian-snijders(48b140a2-c396-47cc-97c9-821d2efd924c).html
Keywords: Cost analysis, Economic Evaluations, Program Management
Updated by:
Webmaster 2023-02-02