AGOSSOU Mahugnon C. U.

Christian is a young statistician, holder of a Master of Science in Public Health, option Epidemiology and Biostatistic. During the last five years, his research topics was about maternal and neonatal mortality, sexual and reproductive health and COVID-19. He works with the ‘Centre de Recherche en Reproduction Humaine et en Demographie (CERRHUD)’ where he is in charge of data management, data analysis and data collection tools digitization. He is a Stata’s user for data analysis using frequency methods and he is very interested by Bayesian inference, multilevel and spatial analysis. He is engaged on public health topics and very motivated to pursue a Ph.D.


Selected publications: Boyi Hounsou C, Agossou MCU, Bello K, Delvaux T, Benova L, Vigan Guézodjè A, Hounkpatin H, DOSSOU JP. ‘So hard not to feel blamed!’: Assessment of implementation of Benin’s Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response strategy from 2016-2018. Int Gyneacol Obstet. 2021 Dec 17. Doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14041. Epub ahead of print. PMID : 34961924


Keywords: Maternal & Neonatal Health, Data analysis, Data management

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Webmaster 2023-02-02