Lilian Teddy Mselle, PhD

Dr. Mselle (female) is a registered nurse-midwife and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Clinical Nursing. She has a PhD in Clinical Nursing majoring in Maternal and Child Health. She was trained as a nurse-midwife and nurse educator and has a background in medical sociology and health promotion. She teaches different nursing and midwifery courses and supervises research projects to undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students. She is also responsible for quality assurance regarding teaching, research and consultancy in the Department. Dr Mselle research interest is in the areas of maternal and child health, women’s health, clinical nursing, reproductive and health promotion. She served as a co-PI in various National and International funded research projects including Access and Quality of Birth care, the problem of obstetric fistula and its implications (2008-2012), Task Sharing for Caesarean Section Deliveries in Tanzania (2015-2017), Postpartum Care (2015-2017), Humanizing Birth Care (2014-16), Transforming Health Professions Education in Tanzania (THET) (2018-2023) and Essential Coaching for Every Mother (2018-2021). Her research works produced 36 published articles in the peer-reviewed journals.
Selected Publications:
1. Denis Kampayana Kashaija, Lilian Teddy Mselle and Dickson Ally Mkoka. Husbands’ experience and perception of supporting their wives during childbirth in Tanzania. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 20, 85 (Feb, 2020).
2. Mselle, L.T., Eustace, L. Why do women assume a supine position when giving birth? The perceptions and experiences of postnatal mothers and nurse-midwives in Tanzania. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 20, 36 (Jan, 2020).
Keywords: Nursing, Midwifery, qualitative research, nursing education, maternal and child health
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Webmaster 2023-02-02