ALERT (Action Leveraging Evidence to reduce perinatal Mortality and morbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa) is a hospital maternity-based quality improvement and implementation science project in Benin, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. The project is coordinated at Karolinska Institutet.
The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate a multifaceted intervention to strengthen the implementation of evidence-based interventions and responsive care and reduce in-facility perinatal mortality and morbidity through a multidisciplinary approach in Benin, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
Intrapartum care needs more attention: every day more than 7,000 women and their offspring could be saved if known evidence-based intervention were consistently implemented during the few hours surrounding birth. Hospitals care for about 40-50% of all births in Sub-Saharan Africa including complicated births.
Project Locations
The ALERT intervention includes four main component
- Co-design process and context assessment
- Competency-based training
- Set groundwork for the activities : Relationship building, selection of quality improvement topics, e-registry, understand context and link to other structures, identify monitoring
- Set priorities and run PDSA
- New co-design if needed and re-run step4 with new topics
- Sustainment

Download the ALERT Intervention Manual

Project Timeline and Scope of Work

Updated by:
kiwp 2024-08-21